Poetry, Lyrics, and Quotes

Tom Armstrong (1983->)

This is a body of my own work that I intend to expand and revise as time goes on.


I've had my heart broken,
But I've taped it back together;
Here, you can have the pieces.
I've loved and I've cried.
I've pined and I've sighed.
I've given every fucking piece to so,
  Oh, so many bastards.
They each thought they were cool
Spitting out lies and promising forever.
Sometimes I wonder if I can do it again
But I've got to try
Got to shoot for that rainbow-----
Spangled bastardization of normalcy.
Well fuck you Rick and Jerry.
I don't want your holy matrimony
Or a fancy dinner with everyone there
(Unless I throw it, of course, with a fabulous
menu and plenty to drink.)
I just want my due,
What you and society have promised me
Since I first threw Daddy's baseball
Wearing Mommy's black pumps (a few sizes too big, of course)
I want my horse and my carriage
(And my rainbow-spangled banner)
To carry us both away,
To be each other's prince CHARMING
-Tom Armstrong
 August 23rd, 1:30am

The Age of Innocence.
A time when I knew nothing
Of boys, of kissing, of Love.
I knew only that I was happy,
Contentedly different.
Time passes,
Cruelty grows.
Young hearts turn callous,
And reject what is not like them.
I still don't know who told them,
Why they knew before me.
"Faggot," they'd yell.
"But no, I'm not."
Misery ensues
Years spent crying,
Rejecting what I am,
Craving what I'd never have.
A shiny, silvery, liquid mass:
My answer to it all.
Countless evenings spent,
Shuddering in the dark,
Afraid to bring an end to pain.
Innocence was lost.
Time had passed,
Things had changed.
Difference was no cause for contentment.
Who would choose to be what I was?
I was a thing, a monster, an abstraction.
I was the face of everything bad.
And in that silver blur,
I found the comfort that I needed.
An option that did not need to be
   chosen to have its effect.
Yet still time passes.
Silver liquidness runs into the past.
Confined to its vial it is powerless.
I now am powerful.
I have become who I am.
Lost my Innocence,
Ended an era.
And yet with all of my power,
Difference is still not contentment.
I have no one.
I want to be reinforced,
-Nov. 9th, 2002 12.27AM